Tag Archives: Love poem



Im soft ontop a bunnie rabbit

Habits; funny magic

Playful as I awake up and splash make up

Pink pastel and baby blues

Sing away the blues

Dance with myself on stars and write bars

Its alright cause; Im simply self

If I’m crazy go on and get me help

Soft like my puppy; soft like a plushie

Its okay to be soft; funny people dont think

Its okay to be loving


Just the beginning Dedicated to A.E.

She speaks to me

As if she caressed my soul

As she calls me her angel

The time in this realm is precious

And cant help but think of her always

As I look to the present snow upon the trees

Or as I gaze in wonder to the future

Just imagining…

To dance across her body or stare in her eyes in bliss

Rooted inside me; My love will continue rising. – Nina


Night falls;

As does my conceptual thought…

I am still awake but I feel I am dreaming

River streaming; Serenity spot

Calming ease ; My green tea is my peace

My soul is wandering… I think of you and your beautiful face

Even thoughts are warm embrace

The days fly by; and I want more time with you

Its a sign; that complete peace is a simple reminder of you

I am drifting away but I know you’re here with me

Listening to my poetry

As my green tea I am sipping

